Digital Marbles
It's great fun to build a site from scratch.
In this case I wanted to play with animation and physics, and create a billboard from bouncing marbles.
To try it out, visit https://marbles.briangershon.com, add your own billboard message, then click Animate
How was it built?
Vanilla JavaScript using ES6 and ES7 (async/await).
To minimize build tool complexity, I like Parcel and its near zero configuration. This way I can use the latest JavaScript, pull my ES6 modules together, run them through Babel for cross-browser compatibility, and finally generate a nice minified distribution. It even supports hot reloading. Parcel (1.10+) now supports Babel 7.
For testing, I've been using Jest.
I originally thought I'd pull an off-the-shelf JavaScript physics engine to use, but it was more than this project needed (and didn't quite work correctly stacking marbles) so I created my own marble-bouncing-and-stacking engine.