Seattle's Museum of Museums is a Delight
The Museum of Museums is a fantastic contemporary art center in Seattle.
This was my first visit and am excited to return.
Here are some of the current exhibits through May 1st, 2022.
Exhibit: Future Machine Vol 4
See my post on Electric Coffin's Future Machine Vol 4.

Exhibit: CAT TOWER!
CAT TOWER! is a family-friendly (and cat-friendly!) exhibit exploring the best designs in cat towers.
An exerpt from the exhibit:
The cat tower reflects one of the most neglected objects
in the design kingdom.
Invented by Frank Crow in 1968, he outlined the three traits
that a successful cat tower must provide:
1 - A clawing surface of maximum appeal to a cat
2 - A climbing structure of high appeal and good exercising
3 - A facility for playing, feeding and sleeping

This was my favorite:

Emergence Room
Their Emergence Room is a "monthly showcase celebrating artists age 6-16 from around the Pacific Northwest."
The current theme is Cat vs Dog.

Love Is Louder

Still Essential

The Gift Shop
The gift shop and gift shop entrance.